Talk:Main Page

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Wiki:About page missing...

Hey congratulations on starting an interesting model for (I guess) content experiments. I am most likely to use be using it in future, but I wonder if it is possible to have a more extensive About description, since metaphor is somewhat clear, but examples of real needs and potential uses are kind of missing (at least it is not obvious for me). For the moment it seems that About page redirects to Main_Page which is super basic. I understand that project is in early stage of articulation, but it would be useful at least to understand what it is not (for example why it is not a Sandbox substitute), if that is an easier way to describe its range of (non) uses. Either way looking forward to its use. Zblace (talk) 13:59, 10 May 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Good idea! They're a bit old-fashioned these days, but to help pierce the mystery, maybe we should start with a FAQ.--Pharos (talk) 17:46, 11 May 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I followed up and made a first draft ;-) Zblace (talk) 19:58, 11 May 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Intro to adding a new spore

There should be a page linked from Main to how to set up a new Spore! Sj (talk) 00:26, 12 May 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Agreed. I am still seeking clarification on this thread, tho: Wiki:Greenhouse#Is_Wikispore_about_new_kinds_of_information_or_new_topics.3F. Koavf (talk) 20:54, 24 June 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Recent changes

It's worth making RC and New Pages more visible on the main page for now, until the activity rises -- as a reminder to all visitors! Sj (talk) 14:19, 24 June 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Perhaps something like this:

9 new pages on Wikispore:
17 new changes on Wikispore:
List of abbreviations:
This edit created a new page (also see list of new pages)
This is a minor edit
This edit was performed by a bot
The page size changed by this number of bytes

24 March 2025

N    21:23  User:Fungifungus diffhist +16 Fungifungus talk contribs (Created page with "ridin round town") Tag: Visual edit
     11:25  WikiBrunch/Berlin/20250323‎‎ 2 changes history +389 [Zblace‎ (2×)]
11:25 (cur | prev) +98 Zblace talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
11:22 (cur | prev) +291 Zblace talk contribs

23 March 2025

     17:10  WikiBrunch/Berlin/20250323‎‎ 5 changes history +1,128 [Zblace‎ (5×)]
17:10 (cur | prev) +130 Zblace talk contribs
17:07 (cur | prev) −2 Zblace talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
17:06 (cur | prev) +162 Zblace talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
17:00 (cur | prev) +23 Zblace talk contribs
16:59 (cur | prev) +815 Zblace talk contribs (edited into more clasical format of report) Tag: Visual edit
     17:03  (Move log) [Zblace‎ (2×)]
17:03 Zblace talk contribs moved page WikiBrunch/online to WikiBrunch/Berlin/20250323/online
15:56 Zblace talk contribs moved page WikiBrunch/Berlin to WikiBrunch/Berlin/20250323(dated)
     15:21  WikiBrunch/Berlin‎‎ 7 changes history +448 [Plaksie‎; Zblace‎ (2×); Denisrano‎ (2×); Darkyspatz‎ (2×)]
15:21 (cur | prev) +87 Denisrano talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
15:20 (cur | prev) +117 Denisrano talk contribs
15:11 (cur | prev) 0 Zblace talk contribs
15:10 (cur | prev) +90 Darkyspatz talk contribs
15:10 (cur | prev) +78 Darkyspatz talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
15:05 (cur | prev) +1 Zblace talk contribs
15:04 (cur | prev) +75 Plaksie talk contribs

A Main Page for people who are new to this wiki

Hello, I would like to propose that we review the Main Page with the following idea in mind: how does this page serve to people who still do not know this wiki? Will first time readers/users understand what this wiki is for? Will they understand the "spore" metapher? Do you expect readers/users to know other pages or wikis in order to understand this one? Ziko (talk) 15:44, 25 July 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Sure, do you have any suggestions or would you like to start a new Main Page/draft? Perhaps we could incorporate stuff from the FAQ or something like #Recent changes above, or borrow ideas from the Incubator Main Page or that of other Main Pages in the movement?--Pharos (talk) 00:25, 28 July 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Hello, it would be great if everyone who comes to the main page can understand what this website is about - without having to click on any links. I allow myself to make some changes, please revert at will. Ziko (talk) 16:24, 4 August 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Thanks Ziko, moving things in a positive direction!--Pharos (talk) 00:21, 5 August 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Perhaps we can learn something from incubator:Main Page, which is probably the closest to our "twin" among the Wikimedia sister projects.--Pharos (talk) 00:40, 12 August 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Updates...and fresh eyes for 2023 :-)
@Ziko could you check the page and navigation again + suggest changes?
@Pharos I think we could do that this spring as we establish more routines and ripe content ;-)
-- Zblace (talk) 07:10, 22 February 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Why can't I edit my preferences? I would like to change my old email address with my new one. Killarnee (talk) 21:09, 25 July 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Email is not yet working on this wiki, see phab:T254668.--Pharos (talk) 00:17, 28 July 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

A Wikispore in portuguese...

Sorry for the bad orthography and grammar, but I am brazilian and I don´t know a much good English...

Anyway, I am a ex-wikipedist (I went active for 8 months between 2021 and 2022, and I stoped at june of this year) and I would like to create a Wikispore in Portuguese. More specificaly, translate the main pages and create a namespace for a Portuguese Version.

No, I don´t create a "Wikispore Pt", but translate and reserve space for, if this project turn into reality, have a space for the lusophone community in the WikiSpore.

But anyway, what am I looking for? Authorization to translate the main page and the creation of a Namespace to house the Portuguese language (of course, aware of the fact that it will probably only grow from here a long time). And it would also be a good idea to create Namespaces for other languages, too, but no is my problem this.

I hope for answers soon. DomPedroIII57 (talk) 14:30, 6 October 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Que bom que você tem o desejo de criar o Wikispore em português. Eu criei um teste para a Wiki Bíblia. Hoje, eu colocarei os versículos de Deuteronômio 15 através da Tradução Brasileira da Bíblia. Se você for seguidor da Bíblia, poderá colocar os versículos de Deuteronômio 16, porque às 2h24 da madrugada (UTC-3) colocarei os versículos de Deuteronômio 15. Leonardo José Raimundo (talk) 04:46, 22 November 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Does that already exist here? Or is it addressed in another Wikimedia project? Seems like a good topic to start. AdmiralAckbar1977 (talk) 20:17, 18 November 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Quite possibly it could exist here! There are a few pages on English Wikipedia and in other languages that treat etymologies at article-length, but I think the vast majority of word etymologies are only treated briefly in Wiktionary entries and Wikidata lexemes. Pharos (talk) 05:05, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]