krv/AV/ica is a project to support, instigate, document and mediate activities of situated art practices where in/around Krvavica building as used in venues and locations by artist and creatives to: engage, perform, mediate, educate and express, predominantly in the intervention mode, rather just as a space for presentation. It also aspires to institute sustainable artistic and cultural futurity into the present (su)realities of the building turning into ruin, as well as to weave the social fiber that is missing for its re-activation as (trans)local + trans(temporal) context of collectivized (not privatized) desire... Activity of mediation and education using open content, FLOSS tools and participatory methods of commoning is started by ~Zblace.

Local/regional artists
Local artists and creatives work erratically inter-ween in the space. They document interventions on social media using Hopefully with adopting the use of digital commons this will diversify in format and increase the resolution of material.
As of 2021 mART a new NGO was registered to work on and around Krvavica and Makarska area.[1]
As of 2023 there is a new cultural festival KUK - Kultura u Krvavici organized by local and closely related artists.[2]
Project Motel Trogir of LOOSE ASSOCIATIONS (in Croatian:Slobodne Veze), cultural NGO works with the Krvavica site since few years involving different architecture researchers, designers (for developing new signage) and international artist (duo Doplgenger), but also protesting to public authorities and organizing events with Udruga Kačić, Platforma 9,81 and local artists, activists, enthusiasts, supporters and sympathizers at the site (as guided tours or cultural programs August, 2020)
#RandomFandom recordings by enthusiasts
During the summer season many tourist come across Krvavica building, during their vacations and decide to investigate, record and some even publish their impressions inspired by the relic building of which they know little. Some better informed also exceptionally come specifically with the intent to see the building and register their founding like Pepper Urbex - urban/decay explorer or more prominent and exhaustive project - SpomenikDatabase...
YouTube samples
- (2020 by explorer Spider Ivan, using future bass anthem 'Only love')
- (2019 by Filip Top50 from Northern Macedonia, using Ambient Creepy Music Mix)
- (2016 by Polish tourist Megi DH, using soundtrack 'Lipe Cvatu' by Bijelo Dugme)
- (2015 - Travels to Krvavica, Croatia | My childhood wonderland)
Outreach and visibility
Project was presented at Krvavica HRW workshop
also briefly at first Wiki Wednesday meeting in Gradac
Project is to be referenced in KAP (Korčula After Party - conference)
Project is to be used as example case study for architectural monument in #WikiLovesDalmatia #WikiLovesMonuments action
in space > to web and back
QR codes on location
QR codes on location
QR codes on location
Project is be visible in the space of the main building using printed QR codes that would connect to via w:QRpedia (to Krvavica as a village in Wikipedia), [Wiki tool Reasonator] (to krv/AV/ica project across Wikimedia) and potentially in the future on
Wikipages produced in the process will be geo-tagged to appear in Wikipedia mobile app and other tools that use WikiData to display relevant documented objects in space.
2022-2023 plans
Plans for 2022-2023 include making graffiti stencils and more advances displays using Meta:QRmedia and MW-portal tools.
Possible direction would also be to use new audio focused tool Sawtpedia.
2023-2025 ideas
Prototype and Develop Wiki World's Fair instance for the region