Improving Citizen Science to Benefit Society: A Discussion Paper

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Description: The Australian Citizen Science Association are writing a discussion paper which aims to identify and strengthen linkages between citizen science and university research to benefit society. In particular, we want to explore how to improve citizen science outcomes and applications, by supporting connections between citizen science programs and early-to-mid-career researchers in Australia.

State ongoing
Start 2024-07-22
End 2024-12-31
Form updated 2024-10-02

Report authors
Jack Nunn (link)
Main report author
identify and strengthen linkages between citizen science and university research to benefit society.
explore how to improve citizen science outcomes and applications, by supporting connections between citizen science programs and early-to-mid-career researchers in Australia
co-produce a peer-reviewed open access discussion paper
citizen science
Australian Citizen Science Association
open access



Jack Nunn (link)

ID: 0000-0003-0316-3254
Task: As Director of Science for all, lead the collaborative process and facilitate the development of the Discussion Paper in collaboration with the ACSA Management Committee representatives and other interested parties
Method: formal working group
Recruitment: Expression of interest
Communication: online survey, email, video calls, shared working documents
Compensation: other(Jack Nunn will be paid by the charity Science for All for his time working on this project)
Competing interests: Volunteer Director of Science for All, volunteer member of the Standardised Data on Initiatives (STARDIT) Steering Committee

Australian Citizen Science Association (link)

Task: Overseeing and supporting the co-production of the discussion paper
Recruitment: public expression of interest advertised
Communication: online URLs, emails
Compensation: other(This project is managed by the Australian Citizen Science Association with funding support from the Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia) administered by the Australian Academy of Science)

Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia) (link)

Task: project guidance and funding support from the Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia) - administered by the Australian Academy of Science
Compensation: other

Science for All (link)

Task: lead the collaborative process and facilitate the development of the Discussion Paper in collaboration with the ACSA Management Committee representatives and other interested parties
Compensation: paid
Competing interests: Science for All will be paid a fee of $5500 AUD for completion of this work


5500 (AUD)

This project is supported through funding from the Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia) administered by the Australian Academy of Science


volunteer co-authors hours

this project is supported through the voluntary work of multiple co-authors

Outputs and impacts


Discussion paper published as a report for the Australian Citizen Science Association (not peer-reviewed)

Impact: supporting connections between citizen science programs and early-to-mid-career researchers in Australia

Open access peer-reviewed discussion paper published from adapted version of the report for the Australian Citizen Science Association