Civil Society:REDAKCIJA

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This page is a translated version of the page Civil Society:REDAKCIJA and the translation is 8% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Redakcija je kulturno društveni prostor.




Beta Vulgaris

Sadrži police knjiga, fanzina i pamfleta kategoriziranih u nekoliko tema: DIY, antifašizam, feminizam, grad i stanovanje, ekologija, itd. Infoshop širi informacije, služeći kao knjižnica, arhiva, distributer. Naginje interaktivnijim formatima poput projekcija filmova, predavanja i radionica. S ciljem širenja alternativnih medija i pružanja foruma za alternativne kulturne, političke i društvene aktivnosti. To je distribucijski kutak za samopublikacije i alternativne medije, uglavnom anarhističke politike.



inside of Redakcija during Ateneum


The infoshop consists of shelves categorized into a couple of themes: DIY, antifascism, feminism, city and housing, ecology, etc. Infoshop spreads information, acting as a bookshop, archive, distribution. The infoshop tends towards more interactive formats such as movie projections, lectures and workshops. With a purpose of spreading alternative media and serving as a forum for cultural, political and social activities. It is an distribution corner for selfpublished and other alternative media, mostly anarchistic politics.

Beta Vulgaris

  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019


Ateneum is a cultural event created for the release of the first issue Beta Vulgaris fanzine. Organized as a forum for alternative, cultural, political, artistic and social activities such as, in addition to the presentation of fanzines, screen printing workshops, film screenings, exhibitions, book exchanges, lectures and the like.
