Org:Equity Landscape/ Wikimedia Movement engagement signal metrics

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DescriptionA movement data and global data mapping project [1,2,3] to have better statistics about how and where people are engaging in the Wikimedia Movement ecosystem [4] and where those signals are increasing or decreasing comparatively. Aiming to build a shared understanding of our best presence and growth metrics in our Wikiverse for understanding our movement ecosystem spaces of readers, editors, program & event organizing, affiliates, & grantees against population metrics (population, internet users, freedom, and access).
Primary recommendation10. Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt
Secondary recommendation(s)3. Provide for Safety and Security 4. Equity in Decision-making 5. Coordinate Across Stakeholders
Regional focusESEAP South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa MENA CEE Central Asia Northern and Western Europe Latin America and Caribbean North America (United States and Canada)
Language focusAll languages - The project connects to data for countries about their official and endangered language associations, and the Wikimedia languages and projects most engaged by editors in the location.

[2] [3]

[4] The ecosystem map from Phase I Movement Strategy:
StageExecution / Implementation Evaluating (eg., monitoring, evaluation, learning) Pilot (e.g., testing idea or model)
Seeking collaboration?Yes
Seeking collaboration withWe hope to work closely with affiliates and movement strategy and governance groups to pilot test and consult on the data in terms of metrics design and meaning-making for data use.
Collaboration needsExchange to learn from each other Talk about our idea Co-design a new activity
Contact personJAnstee (WMF)
Wikimedia affiliationWikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation teamGlobal Data & Insights

Calls to action: (1) If you are a community data user or data curator and wish to participate more fully in the extension of the pilot, (2) If you are part of a strategic Wikimedia organizing or governance group interested in attending a demonstration workshop OR (3) If you are just interested to learn more Please reach out!