Event:Green Academy
Green Academy (Croatian: Zelena akademija), is a political education bi-annual event that has been taking place since 2010, on the Island of Vis, Croatia.

Open Call: https://www.h-alter.org/vijesti/zelena-akademija-green-academy-2020
Printable overview
- http://ipe.hr/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/online_program-1.pdf
- http://ipe.hr/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/programonline.png
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_Lynch_(academic)
- https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreas_Malm
- https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tine_De_Moor

- Title: CRISIS OF POLITICAL IMAGINATION and transformative potential of green politics
- Info: 21-26th August 2011 in city of Vis, island of Vis, Croatia
- Pavol Demes, GMF: ''Transformation of Civil Society in Post-Communist Countries''
- Steve Emmot: "Green Politics in the EU"
- Alberto Toscano: "Fanatism of Equality"
Photo exhibition of Marina Kelava
Cooperation with Pravo Ljudski Festival – Screening of the documentary ''Into Eternity''
Dejan Jović, Faculty of Political Sciences Zagreb 'Croatian fivefold transition – Transition from War to Peace'
Panel sessions:
''War Crimes Yesterday. Political Struggles Today'' Participated by Cvijeta Senta (moderator), Vesna Teršelić, Emina Bužinkić, Vladimir Petrović and Iva Vukušić)
'' State, Market and Civil Society in the Western Balkans - Tracking Emancipatory Potential'' Moderated by: Marina Škrabalo Participated by Srđan Dvornik, Paul Stubbs, Tin Gazivoda, Vedran Džihid, Kristina Tenčić, Daliborka Uljarević
Discussion "Green Trajectory in the Western Balkans - From Imagination to Reality" Moderated by: Vedran Horvat Participated by: Vlasta Toth, Tea Šentjurc, Puhie Demaku, Dennis Gratz , Nikola Božić
Discussions with participants (parallel)
a) Political Dimension of Civic Engagement -- Mura Palašek, Natural resources and other environmental circumstances within the global justice framework
b) Boris Gunjevid, Teological virtues – Tools of Imagination
"Transition is Dead. Long Live the Transition" Moderated by Vladimir Cvijanović Participated by: Marko Krištof, Domagoj Račić, Zoltan Pogatsa, Paul Stubbs and Nikola Buković ''Transformation of equality'' Moderated by: Ozren Pupovac Participated by: Karin Doolan, Leonardo Kovačević, Žarko Trajanoski
Parallel groups:
A) Gender as a Terrain for Policies of Exclusion (in Croatian) Moderated by: Gordan Bosanac Participated by: Ivana Radačić, Rada Borić, Mirela Holy
B) Impact of industrial and energy projects on human Rights (in Croatian) Moderated by: Maja Hasanbašić Participated by: Lovre Grgić, Hasan Kreho, Danijel Prerać, Mario Alempijević, Vjeran Piršić -- Reporting (plenary) by participants
Lecture by Rolf Holub, Austrian Greens (Carinthian Parliament) "Banks in state property - The impact on the state-owned or public property on the example of the Hypo Bank"
Lecture by Žarko Puhovski 'Program or imagination? Postmodern politics under pre-modern conditions'
Parallel discussions:
a) The Future of Schengen Regime and the Future of the Others (In cooperation with the Open Society Foundations Network) Moderated by: Vedran Horvat -- Participated by: Silva Mežnarić, Margit Ammer, Sara Nikolid, Amir Hodžić -- Reporting (plenary) by participants
b) Direct Democracy – How Far Can We Go? Moderated by: Srđan Dvornik Participated by: Danijela Dolenec, Zdravko Popović, Tomislav Tomašević
c) Decade(s) of struggle – LGBTIQ rights in the Western Balkans Moderated by: Mima Simić Participated by Terry Reintke, Franko Dota, Zdravko Cimbaljević and Arijana Aganović - Reporting (plenary) by participants
In cooperation with SFF Noon Talk with Tariq Ali THE ARAB REVOLTS: Results, Prospects, Lessons Moderated by: Srećko Horvat
Brief lectures (parallel) Tamas Bodoky, Hungary, Media Law and Journalism in Hungary -- Andrea Schuechner, Austria, New Future for Sudan – Human Rights Implications -- Michael Emerson, Brussels – How Many Europes?
In the cooperation with the Open Society Foundations Network Moderated by: Tin Gazivoda Panel discussion: ''Western Balkans in the Enlargement Perspective and the new EU fatigue'' Participated by Manuel Sarrazin, Dejan Jović, Bodo Weber, Denisa Sarajlić-Maglić, Vedran Džihić
Evening with Tariq Ali – in cooperation with SFF Moderated by: Srećko Horvat
Lecture by Paul Hockenos 'Long March to the Berlin Republic'
"Energy policy in the WB region – How Close to Ecological Transformation?" Moderated by: Toni Vidan Participated by: Mirza Kuršljugid, Zvezdan Kalmar, Igor Grozdanid, Robert Pašičko
"After Cancun - Survival of Multilateralism in Climate Negotiations" Moderated by: Robert Pašičko (Participated by: Arne Jungjohann, Joerg Haas, Asad Rehman and Mladen Domazet)
Parallel public working meetings:
a) 2011: From WikiLeaks to Facebook protests Moderated by: Nikola Vrdoljak -- Participated by: Marcel Mars, Marko Rakar and Hajrudin Hromadžić
b) City Cultural Policies (in Croatian) Moderated by: Dea Vidović Participated by: Slaven Tolj, Tamara Visković, Davor Mišković, Mika Buljević
Parallel sessions
a) Past, Present and Future of Nuclear – Talk on US and German perspectives Paul Hockenos and Arne Jungjohann
b) EU Energy and Climate Policy in Post-Fukushima World Moderated by:Vedran Horvat Participated by Joerg Haas, Frauke Thies, Toni Vidan, Asad Rehman, Dietmar Dirmoser
Evening of the Common(er)s In the cooperation with SFF Moderated by Srećko Horvat -- Video conference with Michael Hardt Topic: Commons
"This Land Is Our Land" – screening of the movie and discussion with David Bollier, author and co-founder of Commons Strategy Group
Lecture by David Bollier 'Reclaiming the Commons'
"Role of Commons in the Urban Future of the Western Balkans" (with contributions from Niombo Lomba (Stuttgart) and Javor Benedek (Budapest) Participating: Kruno Kardov (Cro), Teodor Celakoski (Cro), Saša Poljanec Borić (Cro), Dušica Radojčić (Cro), Miroslav Živanović (B&H), Ivana Dragšid (Mkd), Vladimir Lay (Cro), Marko Aksentijević (SER), Sonja Leboš (Cro), Mirko Petrić (Cro), Dobrica Veselinović (Ser)
Parallel sessions:
a) Moderated by Mladen Domazet Rio +20 - Now What? (Sandra Vlašić, Vladimir Lay, Joerg Haas, Edit Nagy)
b) Moderated by Danijela Dolenec From Commons to Commodities and the Way Back (Mislav Žitko, Ivana Dragičevid, Jagoda Munid)
- Webpage: https://ipe.hr/en/green-academy/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZelenaAkademija