Civil Society:Drugo more
Drugo more (English: The Other Sea) is a cultural NGO from Rijeka, Croatia that produces, promotes, researches and disseminates culture since 1991.
Most of its programs are thematic and explore certain topics of social interest. Drugo More facilitates the exchange of information between local and international artists, experts, students and a wider audience. It achieves this mainly through producing visual and performing arts; the promotion and implementation of research in the field of culture; and the organization of participatory and educational events such as conferences and seminars. Drugo More organises the performing arts festival 'Zoom',and the annual interdisciplinary festival 'MineYoursOurs'.It focuses on conducting sociological researching the field of culture and it organises educational programs in the areas of art theory and cultural management. Furthermore,DrugoMore has initiated the so called 'Molekula' project in Rijeka, aimed at gathering small non profit organisations. This project, which was launched in2007, has resulted in the founding of the 'Molekula Associations' and a 520 square metre project space hosting six organisations and daily events. In parallel with its local activities, Drugo More has been active on a national level,participating in the activities of the 'Clubture network' and is heavily involved with policy making on a national level. Drugo More is active on an international level, partaking in the development and implementation of the projects 'SEAS' and 'Four Corners' (both led by Intercult), ARCO and FACTORY as well asanumber of partners from the Adriatic region.