Autobiography Spore

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The autobiography spore is the sketch to a spore for autobiographies for people that can, or cannot, provide any source for their stories. This spore would try to open possibilities for the expression of commom people and the sharing of their life experiences and perceptions. It would have, as rule, two principles - reject self-promotion style and any explicit contradiction of wide held historical facts. Both are the basis for a project where sharing life stories would be valued as a literary, pedagogical and ethical practice.

It would not count as self-promotion the honest and humble description and sharing of artistical, scientific and social work through wikimedia commons, adhering, of course, to the content licencing demanded there.

A third possibility to be explored would be the sharing of histories from close people from family, friend, or social circles in general. Both living, maybe it would require some kind of consent, and deceased ones. It would require, also, the proibition of stricly difamatory content, and a form of telling as a kind of 'autobiographical perspective of the other life'.