Art:Tools for Action

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Tools for Action is an art collective, as of 2019 registered as Stichting Tools for Action Foundation, working on the intersection of art and activism. It acts as collaboration platform between artists, educators, activists and others interested in making and interventions with inflatable sculptures. Tools for Action aims to practice alternative forms of social engagement and resistance and open the way for experimentation.

Dutch-Hungarian fine artist Artúr van Balen founded Tools for Action.[1]

Collaboration networks

Long term collaborations under the name of Tools for Action were with artist Tomás Espinosa (COL) (2015–2019); projects Transinflable I in collaboration with Red Communitaria Trans(Bogotá, 2018), Transinflable II in collaboration with Red Communitaria Trans (Bogotá, 2019), Signals, Resonating Revolutions (Berlin, 2018), Signals 1.0 (Logrono, 2019), Signals 3.0 (Dresden, 2019)

Long term collaborations with artist Katherine Ball (USA) (2014–2017); projects Peoples Climate March New York (2014); Red Lines Are Not For Crossing (Paris, 2015), Mirror Barricade (Dortmund, 2016), Workshops for inflatable Disobedience, in collaboration with Malcolm Kratz (Vienna, 2017)

Tools for Action has collaborated with European and American organisations.

  • Partizaning (RU)
  • Zasto ne?(BiH)[2]
  • QueerSport (CRO)[3]
  • (US)
  • Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (UK-FR)
  • Milla – One Million for Freedom of Press (HU)
  • Wiener Festwochen (AU)
  • Theater of Dortmund (DE)
  • Schools without Racism – Schools with Courage (DE)
  • Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH (DE)
  • Heinrich Böll Foundation (DE)
  • Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (DE)
  • West Den Haag – Cybernetic Advertising Agency Summer School (NL)
  • Kunsthaus Dresden (DE)
  • Montagscafé – Staatschauspiel Dresden (DE)
  • Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste (DE)
  • Artists from Rijeke (CRO)[4] [5]

  1. "Swarm Rehearsals – open call." Tools for Action, 18 Jan. 2021,
  2. Search results for "tools for action." Zaštone, Udruženje građana Zašto ne? Accessed 25 May 2021.
  3. Pages with tag "rainbow.", Accessed 25 May 2021.
  4. Petrak, Andrej, "Policija spriječila performans 'Hod pijuna,' privela 18 osoba: 'Samo smo htjeli prošetati Rijekom.'" Novi List, 27 Jun. 2020,
  5. "Hodači “za život” su predizborni pijuni desnice!" Platforma za Reproduktivnu Pravdu, Global Fund for Women, 27 Jun. 2020,